The following typos/little errors have been reported by now: ---------------------------------------- In subsection 5.3, two lines below Equation (10), I wrote: Observe that H'H = I. Instead it should be: Observe that H' D H = I. (Thanks to Tian Xia, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for pointing it out. ) ---------------------------------------- Section 5.4, where I discuss the cockroach graph I wrote: Obviously, the ideal RatioCut for k = 2 just cuts the ladder by a vertical cut such that A = {v_1, . . . , v_k, v)_{2k+1}, . . . , v_{3k}} and \bar{A} = {v_{k+1},. . . , v_{2k}, v_{3k+1}, . . . , v_{4k}}. Really, one should never write "obviously". Because, obviously what I wrote in this sentence is wrong, as has been pointed out to me by Jan-Georg Smaus. The cut which only separates one antenna from the rest of the graph is even better than the vertical cut described above: B = {v_1, ...., v_k}, \bar{B} = {v_{k+1}, ..., v_{4k} }. Then: cut(B, \bar{B}) = 1, |B|=k, |\bar{B}| = 3k, RatioCut(B, \bar{B}) = 1 ( 1/k + 1/(3k) ) = 4/3 k while the vertical cut has a bigger ratio cut of RatioCut(A, \bar{A}) = 2 ( 1/ (2k) + 1/(2k) ) = 2 k ---------------------------------------- In Section 5.1. I refer to Section 5.5.2 of Lütkepohl (1997), but the reference should be to Section 5.2.2 instead (pointed out by Rene Ciak).